
Ambionse – Tips

Download our PDF Ambionse Construction Guide

  1. Like any job, it all starts with planning. You should know the exact size and placement of any openings, such as windows, doors,vent holes, etc. It is more work to do openings later.
  2. A successful job always starts with a level footing. The more attention paid to detail here, the less aggravation trying to keep the top of the wall straight later on. Use wedges where necessary to keep level.
  3. A word to the wise: inspect drain tiles or Form-A-Drain. Remember, water only flows down hill. Check the elevation of the basement floor and the bottom of the footings and how it relates to the final elevation of your garage floor and main floor.
  4. Pre-build the window formwork and pre-cut and bend the rebar when possible. Rebar can be purchased bent into 90° corners and cut to length.
  5. Snap lines on the footings and then lay out the first two rows of block around the perimeter of the house.
  6. Check everything for square and length and adjust as needed. 
  7. If a common vertical joint is needed, keep it staight and brace it on both sides of the wall. We prefer to put these in the middle of openings (doors, windows, etc) 
  8. Measure and cut the blocks carefully. Because Ambionse is easy to work with, it is tempting to forgo the use of a square and tape measure, but you will fight a bad cut all the way up the wall. We recommend the use of a table saw and other power tools whenever possible.
  9. Be sure to check corners frequently to make sure the wall is going up level. A bad cut in the middle of the wall will throw the corner out of level.
  10. Minimise waste: use up short pieces of block in the 2nd to last row. Make sure the ties line up and measurements work out.
  11. When installing braces allow for the blocks to settle slightly. Do not screw braces in too tight. Leave the brace attachment on the top course loose until the concrete is poured. If it’s too tight you will end up with a hump in the wall.
  12. Be sure to follow OSH Rules and use good common sense when working on scaffolding.
  13. Make a pre-pour check list of things to do.
  14. Make sure all braces are screwed in properly to each course.
  15. Make sure corners are braced, tied back in some way as an extra precaution.
  16. Keep the jobsite clean, the less rubbish to trip over the better.
  17. Use an in line pump truck to place the concrete.
  18. Make sure you have a minimum of 3 to 4 competent people on hand during the pour. Have a small pre-pour meeting to plan each person’s role.
  19. The concrete should be poured at a 120-150mm slump to ensure good consolidation. Vibrate the concrete by “rodding” only. Pay close attention around openings and places where there is extra reinforcing.
  20. In the unlikely event of a blow-out. Fix the hole and keep pouring. Have screw guns, screws, plywood and lengths of timber on hand for this.
  21. Watch the walls for “level” during the pour. There may be some adjustment in the braces after the pour.
  22. You can push the wall easier than you can pull it. If a wall must be pulled in, assist with a brace from the outside.
  23. Level the top of the wall and wash away the over spill of concrete.Make sure anchors and rebar are in place where there is a next floor.
  24. Braces can come off the next day, but care must be taken not to backfill against the wall before it has cured.